The Interdisciplinary Graduate Group in Comparative Biochemistry

The Interdisciplinary Graduate Group in Comparative Biochemistry offers unique opportunities for students to obtain the Ph.D. degree in a broad range of disciplines that use biochemical and molecular approaches to problems in the biological sciences. Opportunities for research exist with faculty from diverse departments and research units on the Berkeley campus including Bioengineering, Chemistry, Environmental Science and Policy Management, Integrative Biology, Molecular and Cell Biology, Nutritional Sciences, Plant and Microbial Biology, Public Health, and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Additional academic requirements of the Graduate Division are found in the Berkeley General Catalogue.

Executive Committee

Fenyong Liu

Chair of the Group and Head Graduate Advisor

Susan Celniker

Chair of the Executive Committee

Xiaohua Gong


Lin He

Equity Advisor

Jian-Hua Mao

Senior Scientist, LBNL

Ander Näär


James Olzmann


Antoine Snijders

Division Leader, LLNL

The graduate group’s website is supported by funds from the UCB Graduate Division, the LBNL Biosciences Division, and the Leo Celniker Fellowship fund.